When managers get the right information at the right time, it has a big impact on the business; decisions are quicker and more informed, problems are identified and addressed earlier, managers focus on targets to a much greater extent. Companies have lots of data, often from a variety of sources. This can include their enterprise level systems, smaller satellite systems, information from their process or lines and so on. Converting that data into measurements and analysis, that can be used to shape the business, can be a considerable challenge. EBCS are specialists in this area. We use our Insata product to create an informed management environment. This marries the needs and objectives of the business with the available data and information, so that each manager always knows precisely where they stand in relation to their individual targets. Where there is slippage, they know at the earliest possible time and, critically, they know the cause of the slippage. This level and speed of feedback brings certainty into the business, it enables managers be more objective and considered in their approach. It clarifies ownership and responsibility across the management structure and makes the business easier to control and quicker to respond. EBCS makes management simpler. |
If management is ranked on a 1 to 5 scale, moving up 1 place on that scale has the equivalent effect on
output of 25% labour or 65% capital.
London School of Economics The average manager spends 85% of their time on reactive, low value added activity. Andrew Harley Corporate Psychologist Companies change the way they operate when the people in them change the way they behave. Robin Stuart-Kotze Behavioural Scientist Management's task is to make people capable of joint performance, to make their strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant. Peter F Drucker Most leadership teams spend just three hours per month making strategic decisions. Worse, many teams fritter away those precious hours on unfocused, inconclusive discussion rather than rapid, well-informed decision making. Harvard Business Review Decisive Leadership |